Memory Tables and Memory Boards from a Funeral… Worth Sharing

Last week, my friend Doug sent me an email saying his 92 year old father was in hospice and not expected to live much longer.  I worked with Doug several years ago at an advertising agency in San Francisco and we’ve continued to stay in touch. Doug is very creative and has a heart of gold. He was so nice to share photos of the memory tables, photos and memory boards he put together for his father’s funeral – memorial service.  While I was not fortunate enough to have met his father, after looking at the photos of the memory tables and memory boards I felt like I knew him and could certainly see where Doug got his intelligence and zest for life.

Memory table for Memorial Service

Note the scuba gear and the scuba weight that is being used to hold down his father's favorite and well worn jacket

 Albert Litwin spent much of his spare time conquering crossword puzzles.

Seeing a person's hand writing really makes you feel their presence, Albert loved crosswords and seeing his hand writing as he filled in the answers is perfect!

Pictures paint a thousand words…
What Doug and his family did really well is focused on his father’s interests and passions and then selected items that reflect those passions and interests. Objects and photos help people to  remember and to celebrate the life that was lived. Hopefully these photos will give you some ideas to help you create the ideal memory table and memory board as a tribute to your love one.

Something tells me Albert Litwin played a mean game of cribbage. That enlarged cribbage board is great, I also like the diploma and funny t-shirt .

2 responses to “Memory Tables and Memory Boards from a Funeral… Worth Sharing

  1. A really nice funeral idea. Thank you for putting this together.

  2. Thanks very much for checking out my Spontaneous Shrines blog. I hadn’t heard about the memorials to the person who died during the Occupy Oakland protests, but I checked it out after you mentioned it.

    I found this post about memorial tables to be very interesting. Your blog provides a helpful, compassionate, and informative overview of contemporary commemoration. I look forward to reading more! Cheers–Shady Grove

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